Monday, October 8, 2007

At the risk of serious plagiarism, here is my Astrobarry for this week:

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): The speed of constant busy motion and a stream of
triple-booked social-calendar days might fool your surface perceptions, but I'm
not biting, Gemini. There's more going on inside you than a ticker-tape of names
of people you still haven't emailed back and locations to pop into for this
errand or that face-time. If instead of increasing your tempos, so frantic to
squeeze one or two more tiny productions into a too-crammed day-planner, you
actually slowed down and planned on being less productive… what would happen? I
wonder if perhaps, on some underlying level, you're a bit frightened of that
prospect. What if I suggested you're attempting to skim past some gripping
ultra-sensitivities, traces left from emotional events of the recent or
less-recent past that have never been given their full respect, and thus are
hanging around under the surface, hoping you'll take a break at some point and
embrace their need for acknowledgment? In case you're telling yourself, 'I
should be over that by now,' let me reassure you: It's perfectly okay if you're
not. However, should you refuse to own your tenderness, you're only increasing
the possibility of projecting it outward—and finding plenty of other people
whose annoying moods, short tempers or cloying sentimentalities drive you stark
raving mad, in addition to ultimately slowing you down anyway. Only, in that
case, you're still not doing anything with your own emotional business, other
than postponing it another couple hours to fit in a cocktail with your old boss
or a trip to the gift shop for one more unnecessary token of distraction. Work
with your moods, rather than ignoring or resisting them.

Watch out, loved ones. I'm about to be annoying, short-tempered and cloyingly sentimental. Don't say you weren't warned.

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