Saturday, September 15, 2007

something that shows the frame of mind I'm in

I was walking to the train station today and passed through Ward Park, which is right next to Northcott, a huge public housing building, perhaps the most famous one in Australia (there was an ABC documentary on it last year called "900 Neighbours"). I overheard this conversation:

Old man sitting on a park bench: "Are you happy with what you got?"

Younger woman with blonde hair who was walking by, with husband and two little girls: "Yeah, I am, considering everything."

Old man: "I got more than I expected."

I thought they were strangers, and that this was a question this man typically asked passers-by. I thought the conversation was about the whole of their lives and their satisfaction with it.

But then the woman said, "It was seven or eight hundred dollars, wasn't it?" and I realised they were talking about some settlement in which they were both parties. And then thought how funny it was that I had taken them to be having the other conversation. I would love to put my version of the conversation in a movie one day.

Suppose I'm thinking the big thoughts this week.

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