Thursday, September 20, 2007

want vs need

The thing making me most anxious at the moment about the move is the car thing. I'm moving from a transport-rich inner city where I haven't even thought about having a car in two years to a big, flat, spread-out midwestern town with no public transport to speak of at all. I have to get a car, like, at the airport when I arrive. I'm not sure how it's all going to work what with floating the removal expenses and trying to get financing without any credit history there for the last 15 years. But I'm sure it will be fine.

What I should do is just buy something boring and used and cheap and reliable, to get me through the first year or so.

What I've been intending to do for several years is get a Toyota Prius and do my bit for Al Gore and that stuff he's always on about...

But the other day I was reading the New Yorker, delighted by the sensation that the ads are finally directed at me, and at the side of a page my eye was caught by an ad for the Mini.

Now I can't stop thinking about Minis.

They run on petrol, they're too small, they bottom out in the snow, they're ostentatious, they're overpriced (especially because I would have to buy a new one), and since I want a red one it's probably got a huge surcharge for having a mid-life-crisis colour.

But, a Mini!

Which person am I going to be when I get there - because I can image all three. Self-denying, nonmaterialistic Frugal Girl; virtuous, recycling, home-made-whole-wheat-bread-baking, environmentally-active Green Girl; or frivolous but sexy Broke Girl?

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